McCall’s Cosplay Patterns

Author: Cheryl Kilbourne-Kimpton

Here at MWS we are excited to be carrying McCall’s Cosplay patterns for the first time. We’re starting with ten great patterns that can help anyone create a more precise cosplay costume, with patterns ranging from easy to advanced. Let these patterns help you create a sturdy foundation so that you can play!

McCall's Cosplay Patterns by Manhattan Wardrobe Supply

McCall’s Cosplay Patterns: Becka Noel

You guessed it, if it’s about cosplay, it’s probably something Becka Noel is in on. Becka has brought her usual passion and dedication to create patterns that help you create a beautiful costume.

If you’re looking for a no-sew pattern, Becka has created three options, Calista Knight I, II and III. These are McCall’s first ever no-sew patterns and come with very clear instructions, bonus tips and durable bright white pattern tissue.

McCall's Cosplay Patterns by Manhattan Wardrobe Supply

In the first, the breast plate and circlet are crafted from Worbla, and allow you to live your warrior dreams with lots of creativity, but not to much work.

McCall's Cosplay Patterns by Manhattan Wardrobe Supply

Feeling a little more ambitious? The second pattern is for a headpiece and pauldron, and will add lots of flair and detail to your look. Also crafted by using Worbla.

McCall's Cosplay Patterns by Manhattan Wardrobe Supply

If you’d like to go all the way, the third pattern will allow you to create a bracer, hand armor, wrist armor and shin guards. You’ll be channeling pure power and fantasy in this amazing costume!

McCall's Cosplay Patterns by Manhattan Wardrobe Supply

If you’re more of a wood fairy, Becka’s Ala Glow is the way to go. This pattern will allow you to create the most delicate (but sturdy) wings, stocking and hat for a magical and dreamy visitation straight out of A Midsummer’s Night Eve. This costume allows you to play with all kinds of beautiful notions if you want to personalize with  detail.

McCall's Cosplay Patterns by Manhattan Wardrobe Supply

Becka has also figured out a way to replicate her amazingly impressive first costume ever in Ribbon Candy. This top, skirt, sash and detached sleeves is playful and appealing and requires an intermediate skill to create.

McCall’s Cosplay Patterns: Easy

If you’re looking for an easy pattern, we have a few selections for you!

McCall's Cosplay Patterns by Manhattan Wardrobe Supply

A seductive and dangerous look is attainable with the Fatale pattern, which includes collar, shoulder armor, leggings and crown. You’ll be oozing sex appeal and risk in this costume!

McCall's Cosplay Patterns by Manhattan Wardrobe Supply

If you’re looking to bring some detail for an army look, Stash allows you to create belts and pouches to pair with some cameos for an indestructible soldier costume.

McCall's Cosplay Patterns by Manhattan Wardrobe Supply

For an Alice In Wonderland look, Hat Madders will have you looking smart and ready for the ultimate English tea party. Create just the right hat, bowtie, choker, cuffs and headspace for a witty take on a classic.

McCall’s Cosplay Patterns: Intermediate and Advanced

McCall's Cosplay Patterns by Manhattan Wardrobe Supply

If you’re creating an angel, a bird, an aerial being of magical powers, Flight will allow you to create something truly majestic. This intermediate pattern will absorb you as you make it and enchant all who encounter you in your finished costume.

McCall's Cosplay Patterns by Manhattan Wardrobe Supply

For an edgy look, you can put your skills to use with Shape Shifter. This advanced pattern allows you to create a corset- useful for so many costumes and giving a beautiful shape to the figure. This is worth the work!

We hope these McCall’s Cosplay patterns allow you to go to the next level with your creations! And keep your eyes peeled for more coming soon!