SFX Artist Kelly Harris

Author: Becka Noel

We love and truly miss our customers at MWS. We have always been amazed and proud of the work you do and our small part facilitating your creativity. This is why we love profiling them. Meet SFX Artist Kelly Harris

SFX Artist Kelly Harris

Meet SFX Artist Kelly Harris: The Beginning

Can you tell us a little bit about what drew you to special effects makeup and prop design and how you got your start?

“I was always just a weird kid that would dress up and show up to places dressed as a zombie. The one thing I can remember sparking it was watching John carpenters “The Thing”, seeing the Norris Spiderhead and thinking to myself “I want to do that”! Eventually, someone asked if I could do it for their short film and I realized I could make a career out of it. Here I am over a decade later and still loving it!”

Early Lesson SFX Artist Kelly Harris

Can you give an example of an early lesson you learned that has helped you through your career?

“The biggest lesson I’ve learned in my career and that I tell people going into the field, fail, learn, get better, repeat. You will suck at first but that’s part of growing as an artist, always keep learning. Always. Failure is part of succeeding.”

Meet SFX Artist Kelly Harris: The Career

You’ve been in the entertainment and art industry for over 10 years and have worked on so many amazing projects. What were some of your favorite pieces or most memorable experiences?

“My journey has been full of ups and downs, successes, and failures. I’ve been on million-dollar productions and reality TV but some of my favorite moments are always when I am on an independent set with awesome people doing a blood gag and everyone just gets covered and is laughing.”

“To this day one of my favorite creations will always be the clockmaker’s wife I created on “Face Off” with Stephanie. I’m just so proud of how that character turned out.”

The Clockmaker's Wife SFX Artist Kelly Harris

You have an incredibly diverse range of work. From fabricating props to special effects makeup. Some of the work you’ve done for Disney and Saks 5th Avenue is amazing! What’s your favorite material to work with when creating prop work?

“Thank you! I do have 10 different jobs in the city, it’s exhausting lol. Being an effects artist is, in a way, five jobs in one career so it helps. I honestly love sculpting and a material that’s lightweight that I love to use that doesn’t require mold and cast is Free Form Air from Smooth-On.”

Disney Prop SFX Artist Kelly Harris

I’m seriously impressed with your makeup skills! You seem to lean toward creepy and curious creatures. What is your most favorite type of makeup look to create?

“I really just love evil-looking creatures and extra crazy drag makeups with at least 3 sets of lashes. One of my favorite makeups I’ve ever done is when I demoed for you guys, Manhattan wardrobe supply, at IMATS last year and put six sets of lashes on a spider creature. I had so much fun with that makeup! Thank you again for having me.”

Favorite Makeups SFX Artist Kelly Harris

What kind of team (if any) do you work with?

“I work with so many different amazing artists in so many fields it’s impossible to list. I am lucky to be surrounded by such amazing artists that I’m lucky to call friends.”

Meet SFX Artist Kelly Harris: The Challenges

Have there been any projects you worked on that had truly unique challenges?

“I always love to challenge myself, keep it spicy! I always like pushing myself but honestly, I think the biggest challenge can be working with a difficult client and finding something to compromise with. When clients put their trust in my skills and my vision I feel I do my best work and will put extra energy into their project.”

Yes, of course, I’m going to fangirl a moment over your multiple seasons on “Face Off”. What was the overall experience like bring on the show?

“Stressful. I think the hardest part was watching myself on TV.”

Face Off SFX Artist Kelly Harris

What is your favorite and least favorite moment about being on “Face Off”?

“My favorite has to be meeting all the amazing judges and the community of artists that it’s brought into my life. Least favorite was getting eliminated the day after my birthday.”

Would you be on “Face Off” again or another competition reality show if given the opportunity?

“I’m honestly over being on reality TV. It’s mentally exhausting. Three times is good enough for me. Haha.”

What makes for a particularly great or difficult job when working on a show or set?

“Directors. I’m only half-joking, sometimes they expect the impossible, sometimes they acknowledge what can be done and that’s what makes a great director.”

Creature SFX Artist Kelly Harris

Meet SFX Artist Kelly Harris: The Present and Future

Do you have any advice for someone who is just starting out in the industry?

“As I said before, try, fail, get better, repeat. Always keep growing! You will fail and jobs will flop, just keep pushing and learning.”

We’ve all been home for the last couple of months, how have you been staying creative, if at all? What kinds of advice would you give someone who is at home and has lost motivation?

“I have actually been keeping myself extremely busy. I’m trying to utilize this time to work on projects that otherwise I wouldn’t have time to do. A majority of the time I’m working for other people on their passion while ignoring my own. It’s a blessing and a curse.”

Creature Mask SFX Artist Kelly Harris

“Something I tried to teach myself and preach to others is it’s OK to take days off to mentally rest. Every day doesn’t have to be a productive one it’s OK to recharge. It’s OK to say projects aside and come back when you’re ready. You only owe it to yourself. Unless the client needs something by a deadline, then get that shit done.”

How did your relationship with Manhattan Wardrobe Supply begin and how has it developed over the years?

“I cannot thank you guys for being such a staple and help as an artist in the city. I feel like I owe you a therapy bill. There have been countless times that I’ve come in from the rain-drenched and lack of sleep and you’ve had everything I needed and saved my life. Plus everyone who works there has always been a gem and a highlight of my day!”

Kelly Harris SFX Artist Kelly Harris

And last, what’s your favorite cereal?

“I love rice crispies but when it comes to wanting vs. need I love peanut butter captain crunch! Now that I’m thinking about it I may need to go to the grocery store.”

MWS extends it’s deepest gratitude to Kelly Harris for sharing her time, insight, and talent with us. Please visit our SFX department online for products that Kelly shops for at our store.